Word section breaks


Graham M Carson

Hi all

Bit of a problem that's driving me insane. Any assistance would be greatly
appreciated. I am formatting a 7 page document and on the last 2 pages i
need to make the page margins bigger, and to do that i put in a section
break at the end of page 5. When i put the section break in the document
page numbers increase to 8 and the footer auto page number also jumps from
page 5 to 7. I have tried everything i and all my colleagues knows to no
avail. I have tried all the new, odd, even, continuous break options, i have
also tried highlighting the text and applying new page margins to selected
text only. Anyone out there with any ideas???
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Charles Kenyon

Chances are you have multiple section breaks inserted rather than just one.
Work with a copy of your document to resolve this.
Turn on display of non-printing characters so you can see the section
Get it so you have only one section break where you want it. Change that
section break to continuous unless you want it to start a new page.
Charles Kenyon

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Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) http://addbalance.com/usersguide

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