Word shld let me increase whole doc's font size by same increment



There is currently no way for users to uniformly increase or decrease the
different fonts (e.g. headings, body, footnotes etc) within a document. When
we choose a new font size for the entire doc, we end up with the headings and
bodies of the same font size. That's a head scratcher for long documents.

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Charles Kenyon

That's where styles come in. You could have several templates with your
fonts proportionally sized in styles. To switch to a different group of
styles, simply attach a diffent template and update the styles during the
Charles Kenyon

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Kevin B

You can produce a 1 pt. increase programmatically with

Selection.Font.Size = Selection.Font.Size + 1

and a 1 pt. decrease programmatically with

Selection.Font.Size = Selection.Font.Size - 1

These 2 lines can be executed after selecting the entire document.

The are the VBA equivalent of Ctrl + ] and Ctrl + [ respectively.

Office user

What you can do is highlight the text you want to increase in size and hold
down the Ctl and Shift keys while also clicking the greater than sign. You
can easily control the size of your text this way.

Dave Lett

You can use the Grow Font command. However, this will only work on the
current selection in the current story range. Therefore, if you select all
the text in the main story range and use the Grow Font command, then you
won't increase the size of your footnotes, headers/footers, text in text
boxes, and so on.

To really make this work as you want it, for everything, you could create a
routine that cycled through all the styles in your document and increased
the font size of that style by 1.


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