Word should have a menu item to insert an E-mail Signiture



Why doesn't word have a menu item to insert an E-mail Signiture for a once
off e-mail.

The Word Help suggests going to Tools -> Options -> General -> Email Options
-> Select the Signiture Name, Select the text in the signiture (There is no
select all btw.) and hit Ctrl+C and then get out of the dialog... and hit
Ctrl+P to paste it into the e-mail... This is the most complicated thing i've
ever seen for something that should be extremely simple.

Perhaps an AutoText menu item could be added in a future version of Word?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Is there some reason you don't create your own AutoText entry? FWIW, when I
use File | Send To | Recipient (as Attachment), I get an Outlook Express
window, and I can use Insert | Signature from the OE toolbar.

Pat Garard

G"Day Flatliner60,

You need to get your finger on the "pulse" of the matter!

Maybe you need a quick "Jolt" to get you going!

Got normal sinus rhythm?


If you define a Signature in either Word or Outlook, then
it will be available to both.

In Word 2002/2003-

For a "one off" e-mail in Word, try:
select "General Templates">"E-mail message"

You will get a blank e-mail complete with signature.

Now of course if Outlook had AutoText, Tables, BookMarks,
Columns, DropCaps, Language Tools..........
.....not to mention Charts, Formulae, Custom Lists......
.....SQL, Active Server Pages.....
you'd be as happy as a pig in a poke - wouldn't you??

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