Word Slow To Close when saving files to network



Hi All,

I have a some user with a problem saving word files to the network.
When they open any word document either a new or previously created file,
make an ammendment and try to save the file or close word it takes at least a
minute to save the file or for word to close. (This happens both under the
users and my own login)

I have checked that #Journal is not on in Outlook.
I am using Word2k on a Win2k PC. PC is running all the latest service packs
for both Office and Windows.

Strange thing is that when you try to open file, amend and save to the C:/
it all works ok. Office is installed/running in all instances from each
problem PC's C:/ as are all other machines on the network.

I have looked for normal.dot by doing a find normal.* but it doesn't seem to
find normal.dot only a file named normal.(somehing else, sorry i forgot the
file ext)

Any light which can be thrown on this subject or possible fixes greatly

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