Hi, Larry,
When you consider the tens of millions of copies of Word that are in daily
use, the billions of documents they've created, and the enormous number of
combinations of other software running at the same time, it doesn't surprise
me that a few thousand weird things happen.
My theory -- unprovable, natch! -- is that some specific combination of
versions of Word, Windows, and some other program, possibly an add-in, cause
Word to pass the handle of the current document to the routine that saves
the attached template, when it should be passing the template's handle
instead. It's probably a typo in one line of code out of the hundreds of
thousands in Word's source. Since it happens unpredictably and doesn't cause
an error message when it happens, it's very hard to replicate. The programs
I'm responsible for in my work are much less massive than Word, and it's
still hard to track down intermittent bugs like this one.