Has anybody seen this / have a fix for it? I work in a proposal development
group. We have master templates that everyone uses for their RFP response
documents. While we try to make sure people use "paste special" to keep
unwanted nasty styles out of our final docs, invariably some get in (mostly
because at 2am, you are just wanting to get done).
The problem is the nasty styles are beginning to show up in our boilerplate
docs. Here's the two we see the most (note: these are the actual style
Body Text,bt,body text,Body Text w/Bullets,Workplan Body Text,Bulletin
title,bulletin title,1body,BodText,Orig Qstn,Original
Question,para,Body3,body indent,R_Body Text,Paragraph,RFPText,heading3,NCDOT
Body Text,Starbucks Body Text,3 indent,heading31,P (it stretches into
Heading 3,EngBook3,h3,(Alt+3),3,l3,list 3,Head 3,H3,3
bullet,b,2,Section,Heading 14,L3,Task,Tsk,ATT Heading 3,o,Bold Head,bh
I'm thinking one of our team members (or a person sending content to us) has
"automatically update" on their normal template? Anybody have any idea how
this is happening and how to make it STOP?
group. We have master templates that everyone uses for their RFP response
documents. While we try to make sure people use "paste special" to keep
unwanted nasty styles out of our final docs, invariably some get in (mostly
because at 2am, you are just wanting to get done).
The problem is the nasty styles are beginning to show up in our boilerplate
docs. Here's the two we see the most (note: these are the actual style
Body Text,bt,body text,Body Text w/Bullets,Workplan Body Text,Bulletin
title,bulletin title,1body,BodText,Orig Qstn,Original
Question,para,Body3,body indent,R_Body Text,Paragraph,RFPText,heading3,NCDOT
Body Text,Starbucks Body Text,3 indent,heading31,P (it stretches into
Heading 3,EngBook3,h3,(Alt+3),3,l3,list 3,Head 3,H3,3
bullet,b,2,Section,Heading 14,L3,Task,Tsk,ATT Heading 3,o,Bold Head,bh
I'm thinking one of our team members (or a person sending content to us) has
"automatically update" on their normal template? Anybody have any idea how
this is happening and how to make it STOP?