If have got a document dividedin sections. The first sections use
latin page numbering and the rest normal arabic numbering. For each
section this is working all fine.
The only trouble appears when I create the TOC. The reference to the
page numbers of those sections that use latin page numbering appears
with arabic numbering. THe example will surely clarify the problem:
It appears as
Table of contents..................................2
Foreword ...................................4
Summary ...........................................5
1 Introduction ...........................1
2 Principle of optical communications ...2
2.1 Origin of optical communications ...3
2.2 Advantages and limitations ................12
It you appear as
Table of contents..................................ii
Foreword ...................................iv
Summary ...........................................v
1 Introduction ...........................1
2 Principle of optical communications ...2
2.1 Origin of optical communications ...3
2.2 Advantages and limitations ................12
Any Ideas on how to do this?????
latin page numbering and the rest normal arabic numbering. For each
section this is working all fine.
The only trouble appears when I create the TOC. The reference to the
page numbers of those sections that use latin page numbering appears
with arabic numbering. THe example will surely clarify the problem:
It appears as
Table of contents..................................2
Foreword ...................................4
Summary ...........................................5
1 Introduction ...........................1
2 Principle of optical communications ...2
2.1 Origin of optical communications ...3
2.2 Advantages and limitations ................12
It you appear as
Table of contents..................................ii
Foreword ...................................iv
Summary ...........................................v
1 Introduction ...........................1
2 Principle of optical communications ...2
2.1 Origin of optical communications ...3
2.2 Advantages and limitations ................12
Any Ideas on how to do this?????