word template file with EPS graphics causes word to crash




I have word vX for mac osX. I have a letterhead that has been created
as a template file. So that in theory when I create a new document, my
logo and contact details appear automatically.

When I try to save documents that are created from the template file,
word crashes. Also when I add more data than will fit on one page and
the text flows to a second page, mysteriously the footer info
disappears. My logo is two EPS graphics that reside in the header
section of the page.

Can anything be done about this?

Has MS addressed this issue in Word 2004? I would upgrade if I knew
for sure that it would work okay.

All I waant to be able to do is create sexy looking docs based on a
template, using eps graphics. Why is this so difficult?

Any help much appreciated.


John McGhie

Hi Daiya:

An EPS graphic can cause Word to crash if it contains CMYK colour in the
preview and it happens to be the first item in the first header in the

The problem is rare, but it can happen. You can often cure it by placing a
single space character before the graphic in the header. Or by
re-expressing the EPS with a black-and-white preview.


The footer info probably vanishes because you have First Page Footer/Header
on (you have to, to not have the graphic on every page), and the footer info
was not copied into the regular footer.

If every doc created from the template crashes on save, that suggests a
corrupt template. Try these doc corruption fixes:
(hit reload a few times in Safari, if that doesn't work, try Explorer)

If that doesn't help, run through the standard troubleshooting methods:
(hit refresh a few times in Safari, or use a different browser)

I don't think EPS graphics alone are causing Word to crash, but I don't know
much about graphics, so you may want to use google groups to search this ng
for previous discussions of EPS graphics, if no one responds to that issue:


Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie <[email protected]>
Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 4 1209 1410

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