We have developed a custom toolbar for Microsoft word. It is
implemented as a word template (*.dot file). I try to create an
installation program to copy this template to the user's wrod start up
directory, e.g. for user John, it is
c:\Documents and Settings\John\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP
The problem is that some of our customers are corporate customers. In
that environment, user does not have permission to run installation
program. Only administrator can run installation program. When the
administrator run my installation program, the word template (.dot
file) will be copied to the administrator's word startup dir, e.g.
c:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application
When user Jhon login and launch Word, he will not get our custom
toolbar because there is no word template .dot file in hist word
startup dir.
Anotehr option is that my installation program copy the .dot file to
the office startup dir, e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft
In this way, any user login to the machine and launch word, the .dot
file will be loaded. The problem is that the user get a Macro security
warning which is very annoyed. Especially if the .dot file's is not
signed or the sign expire, word will not load it at all if the Macro
security is set to high.
Does any body have a better solution?
implemented as a word template (*.dot file). I try to create an
installation program to copy this template to the user's wrod start up
directory, e.g. for user John, it is
c:\Documents and Settings\John\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP
The problem is that some of our customers are corporate customers. In
that environment, user does not have permission to run installation
program. Only administrator can run installation program. When the
administrator run my installation program, the word template (.dot
file) will be copied to the administrator's word startup dir, e.g.
c:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application
When user Jhon login and launch Word, he will not get our custom
toolbar because there is no word template .dot file in hist word
startup dir.
Anotehr option is that my installation program copy the .dot file to
the office startup dir, e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft
In this way, any user login to the machine and launch word, the .dot
file will be loaded. The problem is that the user get a Macro security
warning which is very annoyed. Especially if the .dot file's is not
signed or the sign expire, word will not load it at all if the Macro
security is set to high.
Does any body have a better solution?