Word template problem



I'm new to this list so I apologize if this has been asked and answered a
thousand times, but it's driving me crazy and I want to know how to fix it.

Somehow one of my documents has become the thing that opens every time I
want to start a new blank document and also when I first open the program.
I have Word 2000. I have tried to find a place to reset defaults but
haven't found one. I must have saved this document incorrectly and now it
seems to have taken the place of normal.dot.
If anyone could help me fix this, I'd sure appreciate it. I have taken the
program out and reinstalled it and that didn't work. There must be
something in the registry that needs fixing. I have never done anything in
the registry, but if there are steps that can be done, I will try to do
them. If there's a faq for this someplace, just point me to it.
Thanks in advance.

Mike Seddon


It sounds like your normal.dot has become currupted.

Probably the best thing to do is to close Word. Find your normal.dot
file. Rename it (eg: call it normalold.dot).

Then restart Word.

Word will rebuild your normal.dot file from scratch and that should
solve the problem.

Alternatively go find the normal.dot file and try to remove the text
you appear to have accidentally added to it.


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