Word Template



Word 2004 (11.1.1)

I cannot get Word template to function properly.

What is the difference between a Word doc and a Word Template? I have
saved a document as a Template (.dot). When I open it, it opens as a
..dot template not as a new document based on a template.

So if I save, any changes to the template are saved. In Excel if I open
a template it opens a new document (.xls) based on the template (.xlt).

Right now there is no difference on Word between a .dot and a .doc. If I
open either I can edit and save. Shouldn't Word act like Excel and open
a new document (.doc) based on the template (.dot)? That way I won't
save changes to the template when I don't want to?


John McGhie [MVP - Word and Word Macintosh]

Hi Looter:

I agree, the template "should" behave as you describe. That's the way
templates behave on the PC, and that's what most of us expect.

Unfortunately, even though I screamed loud and long while this was being
designed, it was decided that such behaviour was not "Mac - Like" and so I
lost that battle.

Since then, I have seen a lot of user posts complaining about the way it
works, and hopefully they will fix it one of these days. Even if it is
"Mac-like", it's damned inconvenient and makes Templates sorta useless :)


Word 2004 (11.1.1)

I cannot get Word template to function properly.

What is the difference between a Word doc and a Word Template? I have
saved a document as a Template (.dot). When I open it, it opens as a
.dot template not as a new document based on a template.

So if I save, any changes to the template are saved. In Excel if I open
a template it opens a new document (.xls) based on the template (.xlt).

Right now there is no difference on Word between a .dot and a .doc. If I
open either I can edit and save. Shouldn't Word act like Excel and open
a new document (.doc) based on the template (.dot)? That way I won't
save changes to the template when I don't want to?



Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie <[email protected]>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 4 1209 1410

Splash Daub

Word 2004 (11.1.1)

I cannot get Word template to function properly.

What is the difference between a Word doc and a Word Template? I have
saved a document as a Template (.dot). When I open it, it opens as a
.dot template not as a new document based on a template.

I too have this problem... and it breaks quite a lot of stuff i have
setup that relies on word creating a new doc from a .dot... if you find
any info i would be happy to find out why it is doing this.


Splash Daub

Hey John

Just had a thought.. if we created an applescript that was called with
any .dot file which then openend word and told it to create a new
document based on the file that called it?

I'll go have a play but if you think that word is scriptable this might
fix this for me.


Jeff Wiseman

Man, what is *WRONG* with this picture!!??

If they are REALLY as insistent on making things Mac-like, then
just stabilize the product for Pete's sake. Don't waste time
making the silly applications behave unique and totally different
from every other application in the world that uses templates.

Not to mention unintuitively.

Fer Cryin' out loud...

- Jeff

Daiya Mitchell

What is the difference between a Word doc and a Word Template? I have
I too have this problem... and it breaks quite a lot of stuff i have
setup that relies on word creating a new doc from a .dot... if you find
any info i would be happy to find out why it is doing this.

Word creates a new doc from a .dot *not* when the .dot is opened in the
Finder, but when File | Project Galley, select My Templates, select desired
template is gone through.

Put a line in the script that runs those actions instead of just opening the
doc in the finder.

However, I think it has been discussed on this group that there might be a
trick needed in the applescript for that. Search for posts by Paul
Berkowitz, I'm pretty sure he posted diagnosis and workaround relevant to
Archived on google.

John McGhie [MVP - Word and Word Macintosh]

I really don't know, Jeff -- I think we must be tuned to the wrong channel
:) The ONLY way to get Word to create a document from a template on the
Mac is to go in through the Project Gallery, and as you may have discovered,
in the corporate workspace it's totally toxic!

The project gallery will use only templates from the two default locations:
fine on a single computer if you can set it up the way you want it. But in
a corporate environment with templates scattered all over multiple servers
and no ability for users to change anything, it's a total disaster: you
simply can't get to the templates you need to use!

I just had another go to persuade them to change it, but I am sure I will be
ignored again :)


Man, what is *WRONG* with this picture!!??

If they are REALLY as insistent on making things Mac-like, then
just stabilize the product for Pete's sake. Don't waste time
making the silly applications behave unique and totally different
from every other application in the world that uses templates.

Not to mention unintuitively.

Fer Cryin' out loud...

- Jeff


Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie <[email protected]>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 4 1209 1410

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