Terry Rowlings
Our company uses a customised sey of Word templates that match our brand
standards. The problem is that when people copy and paste from external
(foreign) Word documents, Word imports the format/style from the foreign
document. Is there a way to "lock down" our templates so that Word does not
import the foreign format and only pastes the copied content as say Normal -
we could then apply our standard heading, paragraph, list, etc formats to the
imported content. Similarly, when a word, paragraph or sentence is formatted
in a non-standard way (say for emphasis - bold, italics, quotes, etc) can we
stop Word from creating a new style and including it in the template. We
don't want Word constantly second guessing our intentions and corrupting our
branded templates. Can we lock Word templates down and dumb down Word.
standards. The problem is that when people copy and paste from external
(foreign) Word documents, Word imports the format/style from the foreign
document. Is there a way to "lock down" our templates so that Word does not
import the foreign format and only pastes the copied content as say Normal -
we could then apply our standard heading, paragraph, list, etc formats to the
imported content. Similarly, when a word, paragraph or sentence is formatted
in a non-standard way (say for emphasis - bold, italics, quotes, etc) can we
stop Word from creating a new style and including it in the template. We
don't want Word constantly second guessing our intentions and corrupting our
branded templates. Can we lock Word templates down and dumb down Word.