Word thinks it's being installed for the first time - every time



Hello, I seem to have a problem that I believe is related to my registy.
Every time I open up word xp pro It thinks it is being installed for the
first time. It used to work correctly, but then I had some computer problems
and when I reinstalled it, thats when it got messed up. I've tried detect and
repair from the add/remove box (I'm using win98SE) and that doesn't work. I
had some problems with other programs and they were related to the registry
thats why I believe this one is also.

If anyone has any ideas on how I can fix this problem so word knows it isn't
starting up for the first time, it would be greatly appreciated.



Also, I forgot to indicate, the only way I can open a word document is to
open up word first then use open from the file menu. If I try to double click
on a word document it opens up a blank word with no document (blank or the
one I clicked on) shown.



Dan, I had the same problem on a terminal server that multiple users were
using...my issue wasn't when they doubleclicked on a file, but when they
would double click on a word attachment in Outlook, it wouldn't open unless
they had opened word already in the background. Confirm if this is your
problem as well. I might be able to make a suggestion.


I do not use Outlook so I would not know. But, I have a problem akin to that
one. When I double click on a .doc it opens up word, which thinks it is
installing for the first time, which then opens up nothing (like if you click
x on a blank document) I get the blank gray screen, no document.

I found out that word saves my prefarances, how I left the word template
last time I closed it, word will open up the same way next time.



If you have already run the Detect and Repair, then I would say it's the
registry settings that need to be repaired. I have a REG file that would
probably fix your problem, I have no problem providing the file, but my usual
disclaimer is that I'm not responsible if it causes any trouble. I have
fixed this type of problem on about 30 machines or so using this file. If
your interested in the file, email (e-mail address removed)


Thank you very much. I also have the EXACT same problem with Excel. I believe
this to also be a registry problem. Might you have a fix for that?


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