Word: toolbars --> option to change to the lay-out 2003



In Word 2007 beta the toolbar at the top of the screen is too messy. For
example the style icons at home are too big. But the biggist frustration is
the miss of the file, view, tools at the top of the screen. I think that it's
better that people can choose betwwen the new and old lay-out because it's
very hard to find for example 'set language'

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Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Betterer,

Be sure to use the Office 2007 Feedback tool from the last link below to send your comments directly to Microsoft.

At this time Microsoft has elected to not retain a 'classic' menu set for Word, Excel or Powerpoint.

In Word 2007 beta the toolbar at the top of the screen is too messy. For
example the style icons at home are too big. But the biggist frustration is
the miss of the file, view, tools at the top of the screen. I think that it's
better that people can choose betwwen the new and old lay-out because it's
very hard to find for example 'set language' >>
I hope this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

Read about it, try it, or watch the movie :)
the 2007 Microsoft Office system iinfo is at

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