I have my old Word 5.1 diskettes around and could try to send it to you via
email if you wantto give that a try. Let me know if you want this.
program to write. A blurb comes on screen and says my Trial Service has
run out or something. It shows the new blue stylized logo for Word.
heaven knows what.....just get me into a word program so I can do what I do
and write.
email if you wantto give that a try. Let me know if you want this.
of Microsoft Word 5.1 (came with my first MacPlus) into my new G4-----Original Message-----
Could someone, ANYONE, tell me how I can get my original floppy version
tower took floppies. Now of course, my G4 only takes discs.Five years ago I installed it in my G3 OS8 system....no problem, cuz the
laptop. Seemed okay at first, but now I have difficulting getting into theSooo, I emailed the 5.1 program to myself and downloaded it into my
program to write. A blurb comes on screen and says my Trial Service has
run out or something. It shows the new blue stylized logo for Word.
Microsoft Word program if there's any way I can download or upgrade orSomehow I'll open a document, but something doesn't seem right.
Any clues or suggestions? I'm trying desperately not to have to buy a new
heaven knows what.....just get me into a word program so I can do what I do
and write.