Word unexpectedly quits



Now running OS 10.3. I had to reinstall Office on my G4 desktop.
Dragged the folder to applications folder on hard drive.
After install, tried to launch word and it goes belly up, remembered
this from previous install but no details.
Can launch all other applications and they seem fine.
If I select the word app and then hold down the shift key and then go
to Finder and select Open it launches okay.
I uninstallled and reinstalled using the installation path (rather than
the copy to desktop)
Checked permissions and fix
Ran the MS OSX 10.1.6 update
Tossed the templates
Restarted the computer
Launched word, it seems to get a bit farther in the stuff that it is
doing but still goes belly up.
Can do the work around as indicated above and can use all other office

What am I missing? Thanks


Daiya Mitchell

I forgot what holding down the shift key as you launch does. It might
prevent loading of add-ins? Yes, that's exactly what it does. That
suggests you have a third-party add-in interfering, directions for fixing it
will be found here:
(hit refresh a few times in Safari, or use a different browser)

If Word seizes at the splash screen (what does "goes belly up" mean?) it
might be a corrupt font, you will also find directions for testing/fixing
that at the above link.

You also didn't check the preferences file, just for future
reference--that's another big one.

You uninstalled by running the Remove Office tool, right?

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