Word uses up to 130 Mb RAM



When I launch Word the memory usage quickly climbs to 130 + MB RAM. I have
found through much testing that this is related to the DHCP Client. When I go
into administrative tools and services and turn the service off Word acts
normal. This is only a problem with Word. It does not happen to any other
Office products. This is happening to several users on the network but not
all users. The users don't have everything in common (same programs or
hardware). Have tried spyware removal tools (ad-aware, spybot, hijackthis),
have done virus scans (system clean), have done defrag, have done an Office
repair and none of these have helped. Have copied the dhcp registry entries
from a good machine and imported them to a machine with the problem (no
luck). Have used Microsoft's tool to fix tcp/ip stack. Have deleted and
re-crated Normal.dot. The only thing that has worked is to recreate the user
profile. I just want to understand why this is happening to begin with and if
there is any other solution.

Pat Garard


I am not sure why you regard this as a problem, or even that you have
a problem - other than Hypervigilance and Anxiety.

When I read your situation, I became curious about Word's memory
usage on my Desktop PC.

I checked it and found it levelled off at about 139MB with a large document
open, and it undergoes quite large swings around this figure while editing. This
of course is NOT RAM but Virtual Memory - of which my PC has about
2000MB (provided by Windows Xp).

Since t'was ever thus (without issue) I shall now quit being curious about
matters that are of little importance (unless a REAL problem develops),
and get back to Work!


Thank you for your sarcastic remarks. It was very helpful. Maybe I didn't
explain the situation well enough. The RAM will top out at about 195MB and it
will take 5 -10 minutes to open a document. Thanks again for souring my first
experience on this site which I will never use again.

Pat Garard

G'Day again,

Do you not think it would have been wiser (and fairer) to have described
the problem you faced, rather than the one you conceived? It is not that
you 'didn't explain the situation well enough' - you did not explain it at all!!!

You do not seem to have any Word problems - only a network problem
that may well have something to do with the DHCP Server (probably not
the client).

Finally, if you search these newsgroups for my name, you will find two things:
I don't mince words - especially when I have wasted my time.
I go out of my way the Help, and usually offer good quality advice.

My advice to you:
Define the real problem, then post in the appropriate newsgroup (Network)
In terms of your perceived problem - relax, meditate and be cool!

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You have probably wasted your breath, since "cmdicey" has already told us
he/she will not be visiting us again.

Pat Garard

Hi Suzanne,

Ok! You're probably right, but others may read and learn...

.... as I learn!

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