Word Validation



What I'm trying to accomplish is to control electronic
controlled documents in our company. People keep pulling
the word files from the Quality folder to their desktop
thus created extra uncontrolled documents. What I would
like to do is create a macro or vba code that would
autocheck a date on the document located in the quality
folder to the one that is open. If its the same then fine
if its not then it would stop them from using it. Any
help, suggestion, sample code, website, etc.. would
greatly be appriciated.



This is an MS Project newsgroup. Try one of the newsgroups under:

Although many of us in this newsgroup work with VBA it is structured
toward MS Project functionality. I think you will get a better response
in a Word group.


Steve House

You might want to also check some of the Word 2003 topic areas dealing with
Digital Rights Management. I understand the ability to control who does
what to documents is one of the features greatly enhanced in Office 2003
Professional edition and above.

Ultimately though (and this is relevant to Project which is why I'm replying
in group, guys) the appropriate use of documents, be they Word files or
Project plans, is a training issue - employees need to be taught what are
and what are not appropriate uses of information and files and who is
allowed to change what. Official organization policy documents need to be
drafted and circulated so everyone knows clearly what is and is not
acceptable and training programs put in place to make sure everyone gets the

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