Word VBA error



Every time I start and end a Word session I get an error
notification that "The macros in this project are
disabled." It then refers me to help but nothing within
the help information is at all helpful. Any ideas on how
I can rid myself of this annoying error message?

Jonathan West

Freeman said:
Every time I start and end a Word session I get an error
notification that "The macros in this project are
disabled." It then refers me to help but nothing within
the help information is at all helpful. Any ideas on how
I can rid myself of this annoying error message?

The most likely cause is an add-in which was installed in Word as a result
of loading a different application (such as Adobe Acrobat). Add-ins are
stored in the Word startup folder, which is usually C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Startup. If you navigate to that folder, you
may find a number of Microsoft Word Templates there. Close Word and then
move them somewhere else. When you re-open Word, the error should be gone.
Now close Word again, and add the templates back one at a time, re-opening
Word each time until you find the one causing the error.

Having found the file causing the error, you then try and work out which
application installed it, and then contact technical support for the vendors
of that application, and see about getting a new copy of the template that
does not have the error. Alternatively, if it is an application you don't
need to have integrated into Word, just leave
the template out of the startup folder.

If the error remains even when there are no templates remaining in the
Startup folder, then the likely cause is that something (either another
application or a virus) has made some change to the normal template. In
Word, go to Tools, Options, File Locations, and find the location of the
User Templates folder. Close Word, and navigate to that folder using Windows
explorer. You will find a file called Normal (or Normal.dot if Windows is
configured to display filename extensions). Rename it to something like
oldNormal, and then restart Word. If it does turn out to be the cause of the
problem, I would recommend running a full virus scan immediately with an
up-to-date anti-virus program.


Option 1: enable macros (Tools > Security)
Option 2: delete the macros (F11, project explorer, remove the modules.)

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