Word was unable to open the data source




I am currently getting the following error message when
trying to open my Excel spreadsheet from my Word template

"Word was unable to open the data source"

This occurs when using the mailmerge wizard. This hasn't
happened before with this Word file. I'm not aware of
any changes to anything since I last did this
successfully. I have Microsoft XP Professional on my
computer. Any suggestions for troubleshooting this?


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Patrick,

1. Are you successfully able to use this Excel file with a
new document (as a test)?

2. If not, are you able to successfully link to a test Excel
source (different Excel file)?

3. Can you open the Word main merge document where you're
getting this message (just without the data source
I am currently getting the following error message when
trying to open my Excel spreadsheet from my Word template

"Word was unable to open the data source"

This occurs when using the mailmerge wizard. This hasn't
happened before with this Word file. I'm not aware of
any changes to anything since I last did this
successfully. I have Microsoft XP Professional on my

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep
30 2003)

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follow question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail


Hi Cindy,

Answers to your numbered questions:

1. I created a document that was somewhat new. I
modified the original Word document (moved some merge
fields around) and saved it under a new name.

2. Yes, I successsfully merged several old data files
into the original Word document and the slightly
modified 'new' one (mentioned above).

3. Not sure if I understand your question. I first open
the Word documents--new or old--no problem, and then I
use the Mail Merge Wizard to try to go open the data

More things I've tried:

- My main merge files in Word cannot open any of the data
files I created Nov. 4. They open older ones (from
September) no problem. I created several new data files
on Nov. 5 in case the Nov. 4 ones were corrupted. But
the Nov. 5 ones won't open either - same error message:
"Word was unable to open the data source".

- I've tried copying the Nov. 4 files to the same
directory as the September files that open fine, but the
Nov. 4 files still don't open from that directory.

- I've confirmed that the Excel data files have all the
columns (with headers) necessary to match the merge
fields in the Word merge file.


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Patrick,

Hmmm. OK, let's try changing the connection method and see
if that allows you to connect to these Excel files. Go to
Tools/Options/General and activate "Confirm conversions on
open". Now, when you select an Excel file, you'll get a list
of possibilities. Choose anything EXCEPT OLEDB from the list
and see what kinds of results you get.

My best guess is that, between September and November,
something changed on your installation and OLEDB isn't able
to connect up properly. No idea what might cause that,

Can you remember what software and/or updates you may have
installed during that period?
1. I created a document that was somewhat new. I
modified the original Word document (moved some merge
fields around) and saved it under a new name.

2. Yes, I successsfully merged several old data files
into the original Word document and the slightly
modified 'new' one (mentioned above).

3. Not sure if I understand your question. I first open
the Word documents--new or old--no problem, and then I
use the Mail Merge Wizard to try to go open the data

More things I've tried:

- My main merge files in Word cannot open any of the data
files I created Nov. 4. They open older ones (from
September) no problem. I created several new data files
on Nov. 5 in case the Nov. 4 ones were corrupted. But
the Nov. 5 ones won't open either - same error message:
"Word was unable to open the data source".

- I've tried copying the Nov. 4 files to the same
directory as the September files that open fine, but the
Nov. 4 files still don't open from that directory.

- I've confirmed that the Excel data files have all the
columns (with headers) necessary to match the merge
fields in the Word merge file.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep
30 2003)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any
follow question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail

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