Oh hell... Here we go
Before you start, you need to know that a "Table" is simply a "special case
of paragraph" ‹ a table is "Nested dependant paragraphs".
Now: You have tried a Maggie, and you have tried a "Save to RTF". What
comes next gets very, very laborious and may lose data, so let me just
checkpoint some things for you:
a) You have made SURE that Word 2008 has the 12.2.3 patch applied by going
to Word>About in Word 2008 and checked that the "Latest update applied"
shows 12.2.3?
b) You have checked in Word 2007 to make SURE that "Office Service Pack 2"
has been applied, by going to Help>About in Word 2007? (This issue is
probably actually caused by a bug in Word 2007: once you apply Service Pack
2, then open the file and Save As to a new file name, Word 2007 should fix
the file for you.)
c) you HAVE attempted saving the file to RTF format? That's the only format
that is likely to fix corrupt tables without losing the formatting of the
If you have done all of that, set aside a couple of hours: this is going to
get ugly..
Quick Way:
1) Close the file.
2) From Word, use File>Open
3) Change "Enable" at the top of the dialog to "Recover text from any file"
4) Navigate to the file and click Open.
You will get just the text, no formatting, no graphics, no headers and
footers, no footnotes, no tables ...
If you have a little more time (a LOT more time...!)
Slow Way (This is The Binary Search AKA The Binary Fix)
1) Open the document
2) Press Command + period (.) to stop the repagination.
3) Change the View to "Draft"
If Word crashes when you do this, then you will have to go back and get a
fresh copy of the document.
4) Divide the file in half, and save both halves under new file names. In
Word 2008, make sure you save in the new .docx format. You will never fix
this if you try to use the old format.
5) If there is only one corruption, the bad bit will be in one half
document, the other half document will behave properly.
6) Divide the bad half in half... And again... And again...
7) Keep this up until you have only one paragraph in each half
you know which the bad paragraph is.
8) Re-type the bad paragraph into the GOOD document. Do NOT copy any part
of the bad paragraph, or you will copy the problem and you'll have to start
This method will keep everything in the document except the bad
I told you it was laborious! But if you have great patience, you will fix
the document this way.
Hope this helps
Just tried al the options that has been described.
Nothing works.
Where can i find the "binary fix"?
Kind regards
The email below is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless I ask you to; or unless you intend to pay!
John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:
[email protected]