Cindy Suesan
Word was working fine until 2 days ago. Now I can't open existing documents
or save new ones. I need help fast. It's the end of the semester and I have
finals coming in two weeks. I tried 'restore' and I get a message saying the
computer can't restore (I've tried several dates). I tried reinstalling
Office, but that didn't help either. When I get the error report, this is
what it says:
szAppName : WINWORD.EXE szAppVer : 11.0.5604.0 szModName : hungapp
szModVer : offset : 00000000
or save new ones. I need help fast. It's the end of the semester and I have
finals coming in two weeks. I tried 'restore' and I get a message saying the
computer can't restore (I've tried several dates). I tried reinstalling
Office, but that didn't help either. When I get the error report, this is
what it says:
szAppName : WINWORD.EXE szAppVer : 11.0.5604.0 szModName : hungapp
szModVer : offset : 00000000