Word won't search web for clips automatically . . .



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Until yesterday, I was able to search for clip art on my machine and it
would automatically search the Microsoft Clip Art site as well.

Something is broke!

For instance looking for "dogs". I get everything that is already on my
machine, but it doesn't search the Microsoft Clip Art site too.

What have I done wrong? I did some "tweaking" by deleting my
"normal.dot" file and letting Word make a new one so that we could get
rid of some old auto corrects that were no longer needed.

Sigh now to look at clips on the Microsoft Clip Art Site, I have to do
it manually.

Anybody have suggestions? (I know, don't break what isn't broken)

It's got to be something really simple that I just don't know how to

Eric Lawrence [MSFT]

This was broken today by a change on the website that Clip Organizer talks
to. It's already been fixed on our side, but it may take up to 24 hours to
go out worldwide.


Eric Lawrence
Program Manager
Assistance and Worldwide Services

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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