Word wouldn't fully open


Milan Kalus

Until recently Word 10.1.7 worked fine with Tiger 10.4.8 on my G5 dual

Last few days I can't fully open the application and end up with
rotating beechball. I have to force quit. The rest of 2004 Microsoft
Office works fune. Also, the same 10.1.7 Word works fine on Mac Book

Perhaps I need to trash preferences but don't know which and where..



Elliott Roper

Milan Kalus said:
Until recently Word 10.1.7 worked fine with Tiger 10.4.8 on my G5 dual

Last few days I can't fully open the application and end up with
rotating beechball. I have to force quit. The rest of 2004 Microsoft
Office works fune. Also, the same 10.1.7 Word works fine on Mac Book

Perhaps I need to trash preferences but don't know which and where..

Follow the troubleshooting recipes at

The latest version of Office is 11.3.2
I'm a bit confused about your 10.1.7. If you are using v.X, the
previous major version of Office for Mac, I think the latest may be
I'd try getting the update at

Had you been playing with fonts when it went beachballing?

Phillip Jones

Elliott said:
I'm less than a believer of the utility of repair permissions. OK, it
is easy to do, and seldom breaks things, but running it is somewhere
between useful and blind superstition.

it might be useful to read the article at

Especially the paragraph headed "Does Disk Utility check permissions on
all files?"

Now count the Microsoft packages in /Library/Receipts

How many are there? None. Nada. Zilch. Zippo.

The best you can expect in relation to Office installations, is that
Repair Permissions will fix up the permissions of other programs' files
that the Microsoft (non_Apple) installer screwed up.
I'll be charitable, and assert that is also zippo.

For completeness, my "update advice" was secondary to following the
troubleshooting recipes at the mvp site, where the best sequence for
junking prefs and templates is well described.

Sorry to be so curmudgeonly, but there is only so much sweetness and
light to be distributed after the nth meal of turkey leftovers.

Next year Boil you a Fresh Ham. I can't stand Turkey (the bird). My
Grand mother use to cook it, tried several different ways.
My Mother also has tried numerous ways; recently employing a "Browning
Bag" (The women on this list that cook probably know what a browning bag

Up to an hour after its out of the oven its tender and juicy. After that
Its dry, and the most charitable thing to say is, it taste like the
paper on "Sheet Rock" and it grainy. the more you chew the bigger it
gets in you mouth.

Its gets no better, at anyone else home or restaurant.

Phillip M. Jones, CET |LIFE MEMBER: VPEA ETA-I, NESDA, ISCET, Sterling
616 Liberty Street |Who's Who. PHONE:276-632-5045, FAX:276-632-0868
Martinsville Va 24112 |[email protected], ICQ11269732, AIM pjonescet

If it's "fixed", don't "break it"!

mailto:p[email protected]




I'm less than a believer of the utility of repair permissions. OK, it
is easy to do, and seldom breaks things, but running it is somewhere
between useful and blind superstition.

it might be useful to read the article at

Especially the paragraph headed "Does Disk Utility check permissions on
all files?"

Now count the Microsoft packages in /Library/Receipts

How many are there? None. Nada. Zilch. Zippo.

The best you can expect in relation to Office installations, is that
Repair Permissions will fix up the permissions of other programs' files
that the Microsoft (non_Apple) installer screwed up.
I'll be charitable, and assert that is also zippo.

For completeness, my "update advice" was secondary to following the
troubleshooting recipes at the mvp site, where the best sequence for
junking prefs and templates is well described.

Sorry to be so curmudgeonly, but there is only so much sweetness and
light to be distributed after the nth meal of turkey leftovers.


Hello Elliott -

My apologies if you thought I was in any way dismissive of your suggestion -
that was definitely not my intent. In fact, I couldn't be more in tune with
your recommendations. I merely meant that the use of Disk Utility shouldn't
be overlooked regardless of whether the OP did the update... Some folks are
slower on the uptake than others with regard to updates.

As regards repairing permissions, I give it a bit more emphasis than some,
but I fully agree that it most certainly is not some panacea for all things
errant in OS X. I generally suggest it in many cases for several reasons:

1- It will rarely hurt,
2- It may help, and
3- Although I have no statistics to back up my belief, I get the distinct
impression that many Mac users have never even heard of Disk Utility or
repairing permissions, let alone taken the time to use it.

In this case I thought it was an appropriate point to be emphasized - not so
much to "repair" Word - but that Word may have been having difficulty
interacting with OS X print & file routines.

I trust that by now full disposition of the turkey has been made & that the
wishbone snaps to your advantage for the coming new year!

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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