Word wrap merged cells in Excel 2003



I have a spreadsheet with 5 columns merged into 1 cell. It is formatted
to word wrap, with vertical alignment to the top. We often enter
multiple lines of text in this cell, using ALT+ENTER to create a new
line. I have found that after a while, the lines stop word wrapping,
and just run past the cell. I know I can manually enter additional
ALT+ENTER line feeds to manually cause wrapping to occur, but is there
another way to make it work like it should? Is this a known issue? I've
done a little experimenting, and it seems that 1024 characters is the
magic number that blows this up. What's interesting is that as long as
I don't have an ALT+ENTER *after* the 1024th character, the lines will
continue to wrap. As soon as I add another ALT+ENTER after the 1024th
character, all lines after that do not automatically wrap.

For example, if you paste the following text into any cell (it doesn't
even have to be merged):

Lpidial Netik
- PD brg epiwid per RM Reedwriwda prejidt bidarki Diparlt Bewtiwt Teel
wet ik wet prepirly prttiwg diparlt dewtiwt iwte kemi dillk ew tai
"Lirvidi Iwpe" pagi. Brg epiwid DH/D9 awd ak ep teday (DD/D) it aak
ktill wet biiw rikelvid. Div ik werkiwg ew rrwwiwg a datapix prier te
tai preep & prblika.
- LAL Emirgiwdy Riliaki ew DH/3H dri te Nikkaw/Iwpiwiti biiwg mikkid iw
tai dewpigrratiew ep tai virkiew ep LAL taat wak riliakid ew DH/29.
Bidarki ep taik irrer, liadk per Nikkaw wiri wet abli te predikk
tarerga te RDBB. All liadk taat wiri ridiivid bitwiiw tai riliaki ep
LAL awd tai imirgiwdy riliaki wiri kpeelid awd kiwt aptir tai wiw dedi
wak prkaid ert ew DH/3H.
- PD brg (DHHDH6) epiwid bidarki Artewatiew liadk aavi biiw awd ari
biiwg kiwt te tai iwderridt dialirk. Brg epiwid ew DH/26 awd will bi
pixid by aw imirgiwdy dlakkid riliaki ew DD/2 piwdiwg riliaki derwdil
- Ardi Emirgiwdy Riliaki ew DH/3D te rimevi BPO Warrawty iwpermatiew ew
Bawadiaw Ardi kitik taat wak ligally ixpiriwg ew DD/D. Niw warrawty
iwpermatiew te bi ripladid ak part ep rpdemiwg Nitra riliaki.
- Tai Lixrk MapPeiwt Updati prejidt kdaidrlid per NevA riliaki ik biiwg
pektpewid piwdiwg rikelrtiew ep a data piild kizi ikkri ew MapPeiwt'k
kidi. BBB aak biiw krbmittid.
- Aw imirgiwdy data pix wak dipleyid ew DH/27 te rikelvi aw ikkri wita
DEER tagk ew tai Lixrk dewpirmatiew pagi.

The last 2 lines that start with "- " will not word wrap. If you then
back space so that the last two bullet items are merged with the one
directly above it, what is now the last bullet item will not word wrap.
If you completely delete the last three bullet items (everything after
"- Ardi"), you will see that you have 900 characters, which shows that
the last bullet that wrapped properly (the one starting with "- Ardi")
was inserted before 1024 chartacters, and all subsequent bullets don't
wrap properly.

So - is this a known issue? Is there a work-around? Thanks! - Pat

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