I have Googled and Googled and cannot find any page that tells me where
The reason you aren't finding anything is that word wrap is automatic
in Word unless you turn it off, or possibly if something is broken.
What are you trying to achieve? If it's to write lines of text that go
all the way across the Word window, instead of being constrained to
the text width implied by the page width and margins:
Go to Office button > Word Options > Advanced, in the "Show document
content" section, and check "Show text wrapped within the document
That seems to work perfectly! I need it not to wrap very occasionally.
Just with there was a quick keyboard shortcut. Oh well. Guess I'll need
some knowledge in the creating of macros to do that.
Back in the document, click the Draft button near the right
end of the status bar.
Don't know where the Status Bar is...guess I have it disabled.
There is a bar at the bottom but I thought that was called the Message Bar.
I'd love to know how to get rid of it. It displays nothing...yet I can't
just right click it, Remove! No can do.
If your text is going wide and running off the side of the page and
you can't make it stay within the margins, that usually indicates some
corruption in the document. See
No corruption. Actually I'm surprised how smoothly MS Word 2007 is
running. I would recommend it highly to others - especially newbies as a
lot of things are a little different from 2003 so you're not relearning a
lot of stuff. It does seem to be laid out more intuitively. I bet
newcomers will catch on to this much faster than Word 2003.