Word X Font Chaos!



I've a problem with Word X. If I type something into a document and
then go to change the font to, say, Times New Roman. When I select it
from the font drop down it doesn't do TNR, instead you get something
random like Comic Sans. Go and choose Comic Sans and you get
something like Verdura. It's completely random and all the font names
link to some other font and there's no way to tell which one is which.
It's a major pain trying to do documents like this. I've updated with all
the possible updates and that didn't work. Reinstalled Office X, no go.
Any ideas please? I really need to get this worked out. The computer is
also running Korean language so the user can switch between english
and korean. But that shouldn't be an issue with fonts. Please help!

Beth Rosengard

Hi Jonathan,

You don't say what OS version you're in (please do in the future!), but this
behavior was fixed in, I believe, OS 10.2.3, although you should now be in
10.2.6. So update your OS if you haven't already and then do a re-start.
OS X re-compiles its font menu on startup so that should clear it.

If it doesn't, find and delete the Office Font Cache (10) from your
~/library/preferences/microsoft folder.

Again, you must restart Jaguar after doing this to force it to rebuild.

Hope this helps.

Beth Rosengard

Mac Word FAQ: <http://www.mvps.org/word/FAQs/WordMac/index.html>
Entourage Help Page: <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/toc.html>

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