Word X mac -- Compare documents -- new doc already has changes...


Bret Perry

I am trying to compare two documents (track changes off), and Every
time, I get a message which says:

New document already has changes. Word may Ignore some of the changes.

What the ? Of course it has changes, it is brand new!

What does this mean and how can I stop it?

Elliott Roper

Bret said:
I am trying to compare two documents (track changes off), and Every
time, I get a message which says:

New document already has changes. Word may Ignore some of the changes.

What the ? Of course it has changes, it is brand new!

What does this mean and how can I stop it?

It means that track changes and its close cousin compare documents is a
bug-ridden pile of bloat.
I have no first hand experience yet, but others have said 2004 is
improved in that area. That seems reasonable, since it could hardly be

Most of the time you can safely ignore the message. Comparing docs is
safer than merging changes. Keep backups. Save often with different
names. Consider the phase of the moon before starting work. Don't even
*think* about auto-numbered paragraphs.

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