Dee Bee
I just upgraded from Office X to Office 2004 and the first thing I noticed is
that my Word macros have disappeared. I copied my old Normal.dot
template to Users>[username]>Documents>Microsoft User Documents
(where the online Help says Word stores the Normal template), but that
doesn't do anything. In fact, opening the old Normal.dot file by double-
clicking it in the Finder doesn't bring back my macros either, despite the
warning I get about opening a file with macros in it -- and clicking the
button to enable the macros. Just as troubling, perhaps even more so, is the
fact that all my custom auto-corrections from the old template have also
disappeared. These took years, and in some cases, many attempts, to
compile correctly. Please tell me there is some way to recover all this past
customization work.
that my Word macros have disappeared. I copied my old Normal.dot
template to Users>[username]>Documents>Microsoft User Documents
(where the online Help says Word stores the Normal template), but that
doesn't do anything. In fact, opening the old Normal.dot file by double-
clicking it in the Finder doesn't bring back my macros either, despite the
warning I get about opening a file with macros in it -- and clicking the
button to enable the macros. Just as troubling, perhaps even more so, is the
fact that all my custom auto-corrections from the old template have also
disappeared. These took years, and in some cases, many attempts, to
compile correctly. Please tell me there is some way to recover all this past
customization work.