word X slowness and buginess


Nicolae Mihalache


I've been using word X for some time and I've been continuously bothered
by its slowness (I'm using a dual G4 1.25GHz) but still I could work.
Recently I have received a document containing a big table that spawns
several pages. When editing this document, the word X is so slow that is
almost impossible to work. I switched to a 1 GHZ Pentium III laptop with
Office XP and the same document is incredibly fast to edit and to browse.
I've checked the newsgroups and found few tricks for disabling some
features (mainly statistics) but still there is no much speed improvement.
My question is: does Microsoft deliver such a poor product on purpose?
It seems that they succeed pretty well. Two persons in my company have
switched from mac to windows (AFTER buying the office X) because of the
very poor word X experience.
Office X had only one significant update (service release 1) and that
was I think almost 2 years ago. I'm almost sure that Microsoft is very
well aware of the problems and bugs with office X but it simply does not

An angry ex-word X user,
Nicolae Mihalache

Jim Gordon MVP

Hi Nicolae,

Microsoft has requested the MVPs to send to them examples of slowness in
documents. If you are willing to send the document to Microsoft for analysis
I would be happy to send it on for you.

You should be able to figure out my real email address. Think "hot" instead
of "warmer than warm." Please use Stuffit to compress the file first.

-Jim Gordon

All responses should be made to this newsgroup within the same thread.

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Samuel Han

i agree....
its a pitty and shame that those people do not care.
by this i mean that microsoft doesnt care for us the apple users...
(for example i ve been waitin and will wait long until they come up
with a newer version of MSN messenger for us...
in the meantime i only can use this 3.5 version which doesnt let me
use neither video nor sound chat...)
i switched this year...
i was sick of the microsoft bugs and windows inefficiency...
but now that i use my powerbook with office X i see that i should have
bought the apple's software, Apple Works...
though microsoft office is a great software.... i think it could be
improved even more...
but i also think that this will be a never-ending problem cuz
Microsoft and Apple are like... water and oil...

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