Word X Weird Pointer


Pauline Rogers

I have two users of Word X who are displaying a black pointer with a
pale grey drop shadow, instead of an I-beam when the mouse is over
text areas, and I can't find out why.
This is not the drawing object pointer selection tool, not is it the
Macro white pointer tool. It does not appear to be a preference.
Any ideas?

Elliott Roper

Pauline said:
I have two users of Word X who are displaying a black pointer with a
pale grey drop shadow, instead of an I-beam when the mouse is over
text areas, and I can't find out why.
This is not the drawing object pointer selection tool, not is it the
Macro white pointer tool. It does not appear to be a preference.
Any ideas?
That's the PoM (phase of moon) pointer.
I see strange pointers quite often, not just in Word. So it might be a
Mac OS X thing. Usually it is a failure to reset to what it should be.
Try dragging the cursor over a different application's window and back
again; that will tell if it is a fail to reset.

If it is in Word, it probably means something, but I'm not going near
Word help to see what is there.
Lately my Word help panel refuses to close or to be moved. The only
solution is to quit Word and restart it. Since the help is so utterly
useless, I'm not that bothered by it.

Not much help am I? Still, a sympathetic shoulder to cry on has its

Pauline Rogers

Many thanks Elliott but restarting Word does not remove the problem -
I think I will try removing Word Settings (10)

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