Same Symptoms as Caneday on Jan 6th, exactly.
Appname:winword.exe AppVer:10.0.5815.0 Modnameenusa.dll
Modver:1.0.1038.0 Offset:0026390 exeception 0x00000780.
This happens when the app is running solo and when it is
running with Outlook. Appears to be linked to a normal.dot
problem. I have turned off the NAV Office plug-in. Any
ideas - this is driving me nuts.
Appname:winword.exe AppVer:10.0.5815.0 Modnameenusa.dll
Modver:1.0.1038.0 Offset:0026390 exeception 0x00000780.
This happens when the app is running solo and when it is
running with Outlook. Appears to be linked to a normal.dot
problem. I have turned off the NAV Office plug-in. Any
ideas - this is driving me nuts.