Word/XP signature image (jpeg) faint line printing?


Greg Mouning


I have a customer using Word XP trying to print a variety of letters with
signatures in jpeg format. We noticed these letters display on the screen and
print fine on her local HP LaserJet printer. But when attempts have been made
to print on a networked Canon Image Runner 110 printer, a faint line appears
at the end of the image. It seems as though the faint line is part of the
picture box.

A suggestion was made to change the "Image Control" setting of the Picture
Format from "Automatic" to "Black & White". While this did help remove lines
from some of these images, it doesn't work for all. Can you give me a clue as
to why this is happening or how to better trouble shoot this problem?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.



The problem is usually that the JPG background is actually not white but a
very light color, close enough to white that you can see it only at the
boundary with the true white of the paper -- hence the appearance as a line.
And apparently light enough that it's beyond the capacity of the HP to
print, but within the capacity of a higher-quality printer.

You might be able to fix it within Word by playing around with the
brightness and contrast settings for the image (options on the Picture
toolbar). Better is to pull the image into a graphic editor, convert to GIF,
and set the background to transparent.

Greg Mouning

Many thanks for your prompt reply Jezebel. I'll give this a try.

Best regards,

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