you can zip it, then it will always ask what the user wants to do...of
course some users won't know what to do with a zipped file either.
| ok thank u.. so how would i make it so the dialogue box comes up asking
| that?
| Mike Koewler wrote:
| > *Not real sure I understand your question. If it is how do you link
| > to a
| > Word or Excel file, you would do it the same way you do any link:
| > <a href="document.doc">Word Document</a>
| >
| > OTOH, if you have a file that you want to open in Word, that's going
| > to
| > be up to the associations the viewer has set. If you have a link to
| > word_document.doc, when the viewer clicks on it, he will probably get
| > a
| > dialogue box asking if he wants to save it, open it with the default
| > application (normally Word or a similar program) or open it with a
| > different application. I don't think you can force a viewer to open
| > a
| > document in Word.
| >
| > Mike
| >
| > bUrNs18 wrote:
| > > how do u make a link on your website open up in a word or excel
| > > document?
| > >
| > >
| > >
| > > --
| > > bUrNs18
| > >
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| > > *
| --
| bUrNs18
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