Bought a new PC in early November. After tiring of the Word07 nags to
register or buy Office07, I went back to Word2000. The file associations for
Word documents have been set that way for a month.
Today I tried to open a Word2000 document to find the file association had
been changed to Word07. I did NOT do this. I was not allowed to modify my
document as it was locked. Word2000 was NOT on the list of alternative
programs so TWICE I manually browsed into the old Program Files folders and
tried to make the old Word2000 the program of choice. Vista or Office07 would
not allow Word2000 to even be added to the list. In other words something in
either Office or Vista was blocking my ability to open my own files with the
program of my choice. That is unaceptable. I finally just uninstalled
Office07. Good riddens. Only then could I use the program I chose for Word
What the hell is going on? I can’t see this as some accident. Is another of
MS's obnoxious games to force users to buy their products? Get a clue MS...
OpenOffice is out there and it's FREE.
register or buy Office07, I went back to Word2000. The file associations for
Word documents have been set that way for a month.
Today I tried to open a Word2000 document to find the file association had
been changed to Word07. I did NOT do this. I was not allowed to modify my
document as it was locked. Word2000 was NOT on the list of alternative
programs so TWICE I manually browsed into the old Program Files folders and
tried to make the old Word2000 the program of choice. Vista or Office07 would
not allow Word2000 to even be added to the list. In other words something in
either Office or Vista was blocking my ability to open my own files with the
program of my choice. That is unaceptable. I finally just uninstalled
Office07. Good riddens. Only then could I use the program I chose for Word
What the hell is going on? I can’t see this as some accident. Is another of
MS's obnoxious games to force users to buy their products? Get a clue MS...
OpenOffice is out there and it's FREE.