Word07 won't recognise updated data from MSExcel07



We have recently converted from MS Office 97 to Office 2007 and appear to
have lost much of our core functionality.

The system we had was:
a) export a selected contact from MS Access to a read only MS Excel file
that manipulated data, join or deleted fields, made calcs and added live
data to new fields etc. (I know Access could probably do most of that, but I
get on better with Excel for number crunching and formulas and am time poor)

b) A specific tab served as a datasource for our MS Word docs.

The problem is that MS Word no longer recognises the updated data from the
Read Only Excel file. It stores the last saved data before the MS Excel was
converted to read only.

Removing the spreadsheet Read Only is not a solution for several reason
a) Inadvertent changes by multiple uses
b) Read only allows multiple uses to uses the same spreadsheet, but with
data unique to that user.
c) No conflict issues
(We have already experimented with this idea)

I just want MS Word 07 to source data from the Excel07 file like it has for
the last 10 years. Please Help!

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