Word'08 -- Formatting Footnotes



I'm preparing a manuscript with footnotes, something which I haven't
done in a long time.

Word places a 2 inch line between the body copy and the footnote. Is
there any way to change the formatting of this line. For instance,
this line is indented 0.5 inches, which I assume is taking a cue from
the format I assigned to the Normal style. I'd like to move this line
0.05 inches to the left.



Daiya Mitchell

Yes. Those lines are separators. You can access them by switching into
Draft View. Go to View>Footnotes. A footnote or endnote pane will open
up at the bottom. Use the dropdown menu at the top of the pane to change
as desired, then just select and format it.

More info here:

And yep, the line picks up on changes to Normal style, that's exactly
what happened.

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