word2007 wont print single label correctly


Richard Stricker

hi, I was trying to print a single label in word 07. Regardless of where i
specified the label to print (column 2 row 3) word printed it in column one,
row one.

Any one else notice this? Any ideas to correct?


Richard Stricker

Terry Farrell

Sounds suspiciously like a printer driver error. Check that you have the
latest printer driver available and then delete and reinstall the printer.
Test again.

Richard Stricker

"> Sounds suspiciously like a printer driver error. Check that you have the
latest printer driver available and then delete and reinstall the printer.
Test again. Terry Farrell - MS Word MVP

Those darn drivers! Might be the mix of Vista RC1 and the drivers, that
makes a potent cocktail.

It is also effecting my other printer (won't print in the right place on
either the canon or the HP laser).

Maybe when the retail version of Vista comes out new printer drivers will
also be available.

Until then, at least the mail merge works good and i can shift the address
blocks around to fit the label page.

Thanks for the advice.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

This is a known bug in many versions of Word, and ISTR having read that it
has been perpetuated in Word 2007. Instead of fighting it, click the New
Document button and put your text in the appropriate label space.

Richard Stricker

"This is a known bug in many versions of Word, and ISTR having read that it
has been perpetuated in Word 2007. Instead of fighting it, click the New
Document button and put your text in the appropriate label space."

Boy, of all the things that you wouldn't want to bring forward to the new
version of Word this would be in the top 10. I know MS will fix this for the
retail release.


"news:[email protected]...

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Richard,

The 60 day trial copies currently available from
http://trymicrosoftoffice.com are the retail product.

The issue seems to be with how the paper size is sent to the printer.
For example. If I use Mailing=>Labels in Word 2007 and print a single label to a PDF printer or to the MS Office Document Image
Writer the single label appears in the Row/Column I selected.

However, if I repeat the steps and print to an HP Laserjet the label moved back to the top left and the printer was asking for me to
insert an envelope.

When you're in the 'Envelopes and Labels' dialog Click on [Options] to select your paper tray and then click the [Details] button to
see if your label sheet is set to the correct page size. On the first run it came up as 'custom' but once changed to 'Letter' it
seemed to work for single labels.

(note: the [Print] button in the labels dialog doesn't take you to the 'print' dialog, if you want to change printers be sure to use
Office button=>Print|>|=>Print and select your printer then use [Close] in that dialog before doing your label)
=============Boy, of all the things that you wouldn't want to bring forward to the new version of Word this would be in the top 10. I know MS
will fix this for the retail release.

R >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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