Wordart hyperlinks


Paul Ferro

I have some wordart on my site and I'm trying to make them hyperlinks. only
problem is that actual area of the wordart that responds as a hyperlink is
very small and random. right now I just have borderless clear boxes over
each one and I hyperlink those. this works but is there an easier way?


Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

Don't use WordArt, Textboxes, pretty much anything on the Draw menu is IE
proprietary; other browsers may not display them or if they do they will be
downlevel .gifs. Besides, I don't think you can hyperlink them.

|I have some wordart on my site and I'm trying to make them hyperlinks.
| problem is that actual area of the wordart that responds as a hyperlink is
| very small and random. right now I just have borderless clear boxes over
| each one and I hyperlink those. this works but is there an easier way?
| thanks,
| Paul


Cut and paste the word art (or PrtScn and paste) into a graphics
program. Crop and optimise the image, then save as a .jpg (or .gif if
less than 256 colours). Import the resulting image into FrontPage and
use that for the hyperlinks.

As Rob said, you cannot hyperlink VML graphics (WordArt, TextBoxes,
ShapeArt) and they are IE only - other browsers will see poor quality
..gif images, if anything at all.

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