Years ago, Word (6 I believe) had Wordart 3.0 —somehow I was able to copy the
program into my Office 97—for manipulating groups of words into arcs,
circles, waves, diagonals, etc. With my new Word 2003, I don't find anything
like that program. Can any one tell me what I might not be doing right to
find this program or is it no longer available. Is there some other program
available that would do the same type or very simular manipulations? The
examples in the current Wordart just seem to be like headlines.
program into my Office 97—for manipulating groups of words into arcs,
circles, waves, diagonals, etc. With my new Word 2003, I don't find anything
like that program. Can any one tell me what I might not be doing right to
find this program or is it no longer available. Is there some other program
available that would do the same type or very simular manipulations? The
examples in the current Wordart just seem to be like headlines.