hi there,
i was wondering if anyone could help me out? i'm trying to convert the
following wordbasic command:
WordBasic.FilePageSetup Tab:="0", PaperSize:="0", TopMargin:="1" + Chr(34),
BottomMargin:="1" + Chr(34), LeftMargin:="0.5" + Chr(34), RightMargin:="0.5"
+ Chr(34), Gutter:="0" + Chr(34), PageWidth:="8.5" + Chr(34),
PageHeight:="11" + Chr(34), Orientation:=0, FirstPage:=0, OtherPages:=0,
VertAlign:=0, ApplyPropsTo:=4, FacingPages:=0, HeaderDistance:="0.5" +
Chr(34), FooterDistance:="0.5" + Chr(34), SectionStart:=2,
OddAndEvenPages:=0, DifferentFirstPage:=0, Endnotes:=0, LineNum:=0,
StartingNum:="", FromText:="", CountBy:="0", NumMode:=-1
to the proper vba format:
With ActiveDocument.PageSetup
.TopMargin = num
.BottomMargin = num
.LeftMargin = num
.RightMargin = num
.Gutter = num
.PageHeight = num
.PageWidth = num
.Orientation = WdOrientation
.FirstPageTray = WdPaperTray
.OtherPagesTray = WdPaperTray
.VerticalAlignment = WdVerticalAlignment
.MirrorMargins = True
.HeaderDistance = num
.FooterDistance = num
.SectionStart = WdSectionStart
.OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter = True
.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = True
.SuppressEndnotes = True
With LineNumbering
.Active =True
.StartingNumber = num
.DistanceFromText = num
.CountBy = num
.RestartMode = WdNumberingRule
End With
End With
i'm particularily curious the original command is trying to do with the
references to Char(34).
also, is there some way to determine what a wordbasic number constant value
would equate to when using vb constants? for example, what will "2" equal for
system constants WdSectionStart?
thanks again!
i was wondering if anyone could help me out? i'm trying to convert the
following wordbasic command:
WordBasic.FilePageSetup Tab:="0", PaperSize:="0", TopMargin:="1" + Chr(34),
BottomMargin:="1" + Chr(34), LeftMargin:="0.5" + Chr(34), RightMargin:="0.5"
+ Chr(34), Gutter:="0" + Chr(34), PageWidth:="8.5" + Chr(34),
PageHeight:="11" + Chr(34), Orientation:=0, FirstPage:=0, OtherPages:=0,
VertAlign:=0, ApplyPropsTo:=4, FacingPages:=0, HeaderDistance:="0.5" +
Chr(34), FooterDistance:="0.5" + Chr(34), SectionStart:=2,
OddAndEvenPages:=0, DifferentFirstPage:=0, Endnotes:=0, LineNum:=0,
StartingNum:="", FromText:="", CountBy:="0", NumMode:=-1
to the proper vba format:
With ActiveDocument.PageSetup
.TopMargin = num
.BottomMargin = num
.LeftMargin = num
.RightMargin = num
.Gutter = num
.PageHeight = num
.PageWidth = num
.Orientation = WdOrientation
.FirstPageTray = WdPaperTray
.OtherPagesTray = WdPaperTray
.VerticalAlignment = WdVerticalAlignment
.MirrorMargins = True
.HeaderDistance = num
.FooterDistance = num
.SectionStart = WdSectionStart
.OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter = True
.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = True
.SuppressEndnotes = True
With LineNumbering
.Active =True
.StartingNumber = num
.DistanceFromText = num
.CountBy = num
.RestartMode = WdNumberingRule
End With
End With
i'm particularily curious the original command is trying to do with the
references to Char(34).
also, is there some way to determine what a wordbasic number constant value
would equate to when using vb constants? for example, what will "2" equal for
system constants WdSectionStart?
thanks again!