Wording change: Add REPAIRS not REPAIRED for error msgs



Workg w/ WORD yest'dy; screen froze, asked if I wanted ERROR report (said was
fixing error). I clicked YES. A bit later, got two files back (recovered).
One said OLD; other had filename w/ REPAIRED added. (Or did I misread it?)
Asked which I wanted to save.
Of course I chose REPAIRED and replaced the old file with it, keeping the
same name w/ REPAIRED added and closed file.
Came back a bit later, went to open the file and discovered it was the
REPAIRS *not* REPAIRED, ie, all the work I'd done ALL month was gone! <ARGH!>
Boss'll have a cow and *I'm* at risk of being fired.<!>
Suggest REPAIRS be used--NOT REPAIRED<!!> (Don't know if recoverable, yet.
Am at home now.) Any/all help appreciated! (Read the Xchange server info re:
recovery and will try tomorrow.)

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