wordpad print preview not in english



H E L P ! ! emachines says call microsoft, microsoft says call emachines....
Print preview tabs not in englrish, I can't read them!
this is in note pad, wordpad and others..
I can provide image that will display the problem !!!
someone pls help or at least maybe direct me to the right place??
( tell me where to go ???)
please help... computer has become almost as usless as me..
Thank you.. Dan (e-mail address removed)

JoAnn Paules

Notepad and WordPad are part of Windows. Since they came preinstalled on
your computer, the responsibility to support them falls to eMachines.
Microsoft cannot help you.

That being said............

Does this problem happen in Word? You mentioned "and others" but what

Are these files on your hard drive or did you try to open them from a floppy
or some other sort of removable data?


JoAnn Paules
Microsoft MVP - Publisher

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