Wordperfect endnote conversion problems



I am working on a doc that was created in WordPerfect, and then converted to
Word. It is manifesting all kinds of odd errors and inconsistencies,
particularly in regard to the endnote numbers and text. I'm using Word2K with
Win98SE. Here are some of the problems.

1.) When I put the cursor in endnote text, the formatting toolbar displays
TimesNewRoman (TNR) 10pt., but it displays the text in Arial 12pt (which is
what I want it to be).

2.) When I type text in the endnotes, it creates and displays it as TNR
10-pt. The only way to change it is to select all and change it to Arial
12pt. It will then display all text as I selected but still shows TNR10pt in
the toolbar.

3.) Beginning with endnote 8, the endnote reference in the body of the
article is displayed as a single TNR10pt "0" (zero). This continues through
until note 24 (all zeroes). The rest resume a correct numbering sequence. The
corresponding endnote reference number in the notes themselves are correct
(for the most part [see #4 below]: i.e., 9, 10, etc.).

4.) One note number is omitted (#7) and one is doubled (#24).

5.) I've tried inserting additional notes or deleting one, but it doesn't
correct the sequencing or zero problem.

6.) The body text of the doc doesn't have the same font errors, only that
the endnote reference markers are displayed as zeroes.

Does anyone have any ideas about how to correct this problem? Should I
request another copy of the doc and try to convert it myself (that would be
the last resort, since I've finished editing it otherwise)? It was sent to
someone else first, and then to me. I don't know who converted it to Word
before I received it. It will go to the layout designer who uses a Mac
program (Quark Express, I think). I'm worried he'll have problems in that
conversion if it's messed up right now.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

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