Word's mail blocks OE



When sending messages from Word 2002 Outlook Express gets
blocked. Any solution?
Thank you


What do you mean OE gets blocked?

: When sending messages from Word 2002 Outlook Express gets
: blocked. Any solution?
: Thank you


When OE is open and I send the mail from Word I get the
following error message:
Impossibile trovare l'host "smtp.freesurf.ch". Verificare
che il nome immesso per il server sia corretto.
Account: 'xyz', Server: 'smtp.freesurf.ch', Protocollo:
SMTP, Porta: 25, Protezione (SSL): No, Errore socket:
11001, Numero di errore: 0x800CCC0D
OE's window opens but clicking on any option gives no
result, including trying to close the application. OE is
basically stuck. The only way to exit is with Ctrl + Alt +
Delete and to open OE again. The message I tried sending
then appears in the outgoing mail.



OE seems to be reporting in Italian that it is unable to connect to an SMTP
server based in Switzerland! It may be saying that port 25 (the SMTP port)
is blocked (my grasp of any language other than English is feeble!): which
would suggest a firewall problem. Do you have a firewall installed?


: When OE is open and I send the mail from Word I get the
: following error message:
: Impossibile trovare l'host "smtp.freesurf.ch". Verificare
: che il nome immesso per il server sia corretto.
: Account: 'xyz', Server: 'smtp.freesurf.ch', Protocollo:
: SMTP, Porta: 25, Protezione (SSL): No, Errore socket:
: 11001, Numero di errore: 0x800CCC0D
: OE's window opens but clicking on any option gives no
: result, including trying to close the application. OE is
: basically stuck. The only way to exit is with Ctrl + Alt +
: Delete and to open OE again. The message I tried sending
: then appears in the outgoing mail.
: >-----Original Message-----
: >What do you mean OE gets blocked?
: >
: >--
: >Terry Farrell - Word MVP
: >http://word.mvps.org/
: >
: message
: >: >: When sending messages from Word 2002 Outlook Express
: gets
: >: blocked. Any solution?
: >: Thank you


Then the possibility is that the firewall is blocking OE from using Port 25.
I don't know anything about Norton Firewall, so you'd be better off checking
with a Symantec Newsgroup.


: Yes I have a Norton Firewall
: >-----Original Message-----
: >Rob
: >
: >OE seems to be reporting in Italian that it is unable to
: connect to an SMTP
: >server based in Switzerland! It may be saying that port
: 25 (the SMTP port)
: >is blocked (my grasp of any language other than English
: is feeble!): which
: >would suggest a firewall problem. Do you have a firewall
: installed?
: >
: >Terry
: >
: >
: message
: >: >: When OE is open and I send the mail from Word I get the
: >: following error message:
: >: Impossibile trovare l'host "smtp.freesurf.ch".
: Verificare
: >: che il nome immesso per il server sia corretto.
: >: Account: 'xyz', Server: 'smtp.freesurf.ch', Protocollo:
: >: SMTP, Porta: 25, Protezione (SSL): No, Errore socket:
: >: 11001, Numero di errore: 0x800CCC0D
: >: OE's window opens but clicking on any option gives no
: >: result, including trying to close the application. OE is
: >: basically stuck. The only way to exit is with Ctrl +
: Alt +
: >: Delete and to open OE again. The message I tried sending
: >: then appears in the outgoing mail.
: >:
: >: >-----Original Message-----
: >: >What do you mean OE gets blocked?
: >: >
: >: >--
: >: >Terry Farrell - Word MVP
: >: >http://word.mvps.org/
: >: >
: >: message
: >: >: >: >: When sending messages from Word 2002 Outlook Express
: >: gets
: >: >: blocked. Any solution?
: >: >: Thank you
: >
: >
: >.
: >

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