Words to add to exclude dictionary MSSP3EN.EXC



Summary: Here is a list of words people may want to add to their
English exclude dictionary MSSP3EN.EXC .
People should edit this list for their own needs!
In the actual dictionary these must be one per line, and sorted.
If you find more such words, please reply to this posting.

al ass c*ck continuos c*nt f*ck f*cker fist het histyory jus lat les
manger massage mo ofd p*ss p*ssy pf pont sh*t sued suing t*ts
thru wt yearend yore

Details: The Exclude Dictionary contains words that are in the main
dictionary used by Microsoft Word, but that should be checked during a
spelling check. It is located in the same directory as custom.dic,
typically "c:\Documents and Settings\<user id>\Application
Data\Microsoft\Proof" and the English one is named MSSP3EN.EXC . It
is sometimes called the exclusion dictionary or exception dictionary.
It contains many words, some obscure, some common, that are likely to
be typos. For example, "al" is an East Indian tree, "pf" is
Picofarad, "wt" is weight, "massage" might be a typo for message,
"manger" for manager, etc. I compiled the above list (based in part
on earlier posts to microsoft.public.word.spelling.grammar and related
groups). I sanitized the spelling of the dirty words; you must
replace the * with the right vowel.

When spell check is run and it prompts about a word in the exclude
dictionary if you say "Ignore All" it gets stuck on that word. You
must says "ignore Once". I am pretty sure this is a bug.

See also "WD2000: How to Create an Exclude Dictionary"
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;211306 and
The article "WD: Misspelled Words in Main Dictionary"
http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=125803 explains that histyory (sic)
and ofd, plus continuous, are in the main dictionary. This shows that
it was created in part by manual techniques, and that it was not
checked against other word lists, e.g., yawl.lst .

Unfortunately the support for exclude dictionaries inside Word is
weak. It is not visible in the Options | Spelling list that shows the
custom dictionaries. Putting "exclude dictionary" into the answer
wizard first suggests "Create and use custom dictionaries" but there
is nothing useful there. I think there should be, because these are
custom, i.e., each user can have a different one (or none at all).
There is information under the somewhat misleading name "Specify a
preferred spelling for a word". There is also nothing useful under
"The spelling checker didn't find specific errors in my document or
didn't mark them with wavy underlines". This should state that there
may be obscure words in the main dictionary you can put in your
exclude dictionary. Unfortunately there is no way to allow a
capitalized word if the uncapitalized word is excluded, e.g., adding
"Sue" to custom.dic will not help if "sue" is in the exclude
dictionary. Unfortunately there is no way to put a hyphenated word
in the exclude dictionary if the individual pieces are words,
e.g. cannot exclude "half-time". Unfortunately there is no way to
exclude phrases, e.g. "dialogue box".

The exclude dictionary is only used in Outlook if you specify Word as
the editor see "OL2000: How to Use Custom Dictionary Settings in
Outlook" http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=247411. Based on my test
Excel 2002 does not use the exclude dictionary.

How can I officially send these suggestions to Microsoft?

Steve Tolkin

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