Help Please
I want to type up the lyrics to a song in chinese and put the pronunciation
in the line below so that the pronunciation and the words are centered upon
eachother. They have to be able to align when the document is centered
(versus aligned to the left or the right) because when I paste these lyrics
into windows media player, windows media player automatically centers the
lyrics, so if they were not centered before they become misaligned. I've been
struggling to figue this out almost all day... there must be some way to
enter two lines of text and have a word to word correspondence between the
top line and the bottom line.
Word User
I want to type up the lyrics to a song in chinese and put the pronunciation
in the line below so that the pronunciation and the words are centered upon
eachother. They have to be able to align when the document is centered
(versus aligned to the left or the right) because when I paste these lyrics
into windows media player, windows media player automatically centers the
lyrics, so if they were not centered before they become misaligned. I've been
struggling to figue this out almost all day... there must be some way to
enter two lines of text and have a word to word correspondence between the
top line and the bottom line.
Word User