WordX crashes when I hit enter



I don't know if I am doing something wrong, but every time I hit enter
at the end of a sentence or a paragraph, word crashes on me. I've
tried reinstalling several times, but to no avail. I have resorted to
typing a bunch of stuff and then deleting and then typing what I want.
I have an apple ibook and officex that I purchases almost a year ago.



J.E. McGimpsey

I don't know if I am doing something wrong, but every time I hit enter
at the end of a sentence or a paragraph, word crashes on me. I've
tried reinstalling several times, but to no avail. I have resorted to
typing a bunch of stuff and then deleting and then typing what I want.
I have an apple ibook and officex that I purchases almost a year ago.

If you've reinstalled several times without running the Office
Remover application in between, I'd suggest running Office Remover
(from the install disk) first. It picks up files, including hidden
files, that you've probably missed.

Then reinstall Office, and apply the 10.1.2 and 10.1.4 updaters from

Mactopia downloads:

Next, before running Office, run Repair Disk Permissions in the Disk
Utility Application (in the Application/Utilities folder), assuming
you're using OS 10.2.

If you're using OS 10.1.5, run the Repair Privileges App.

Among other things that may cause this are corruption in your Normal
Template (rename the template with Word closed, then start Word - it
will create a new one) or the Word Settings 10 file in
~:Library:preferences:Microsoft (where ~ is your home directory.
Delete the Settings file, again with Word closed).

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