I'm trying to setup formulas for work, schedule and cost slippage.
Below is what I have so far, but I know its either not correct or
isn't properly displaying indicators.
Schedule Slip
Switch(Len(CStr([Baseline Finish]))<3,"No
baseline",ProjDateDiff([Baseline Finish],[Finish])/
480>=5,"Later",ProjDateDiff([Baseline Finish],[Finish])/
480>0,"Late",True,"On schedule")
Cost Slip
Switch(Len(CStr([Baseline Finish]))<3,"No baseline",([Cost]+1)/
([Baseline Cost]+1)>1.2,"Overbudget by 20% or more",([Cost]+1)/
([Baseline Cost]+1)>1,"Overbudget",True,"Under budget")
Work Slip
IIf([Remaining Work]*1.2>[Work],1,2) And IIf([Remaining Work]*1<
[Work],3,2) And IIf([Remaining Work]*1.5> [Work],4,2)
Can someone please rewrite these or show me a better way to do it?
I'm looking to figure out how to have it show red if for example if
the finish date is 120% or more of the baseline finish. Thanks for
any help.
I'm trying to setup formulas for work, schedule and cost slippage.
Below is what I have so far, but I know its either not correct or
isn't properly displaying indicators.
Schedule Slip
Switch(Len(CStr([Baseline Finish]))<3,"No
baseline",ProjDateDiff([Baseline Finish],[Finish])/
480>=5,"Later",ProjDateDiff([Baseline Finish],[Finish])/
480>0,"Late",True,"On schedule")
Cost Slip
Switch(Len(CStr([Baseline Finish]))<3,"No baseline",([Cost]+1)/
([Baseline Cost]+1)>1.2,"Overbudget by 20% or more",([Cost]+1)/
([Baseline Cost]+1)>1,"Overbudget",True,"Under budget")
Work Slip
IIf([Remaining Work]*1.2>[Work],1,2) And IIf([Remaining Work]*1<
[Work],3,2) And IIf([Remaining Work]*1.5> [Work],4,2)
Can someone please rewrite these or show me a better way to do it?
I'm looking to figure out how to have it show red if for example if
the finish date is 120% or more of the baseline finish. Thanks for
any help.