Work varies in Portfolio analyzer and in project plan



We have seen a variation in work values in project plan & Portfolio Analyzer.
We are using Project Server 2003 with SP1 on Win2003.

Here are the details:

1. Resource A is assigned to different projects. Check this screenshot

We go to Resource Usage view, change the timescale to year / month. Now we
can see the resource's work hours by month (October 2005 - MArch 2006). He
has been assigned total of 854.25h in total. You can see that he has been
assigned 161, 152, 168 hours of work in Jan, Feb & march respectively.

2. Next I went to PWA > Resources > View Resource Assignments. Check this

I selected the same resource in Summary view. Now I can see his work across
all plans for all months. Which is 856.88h. Thats fine.

3. Next I went to PWA > Resources > View Enterprise Resources in Resource
Center. Check this screenshot:

In Assignment work by Resource view I entered time period from 10/1/2005 to
03/31/2006. In details table below I can see his work as 854.2h, which is

4. Here is the "FUN" part. Now I went to Portfolio Analyzer. Check this

Created an ad-hoc report using work in data area & Resource & Time (in
Month) as other two axes. I From Resource dropdown I select only the resource
in this question, & in Time dropdown I selected Last Quarter of 2005 & first
Quarter of 2006 (Oct2005 to Mar 2006).

Here we have more fun. The graph shows only Oct to Dec 2005 data & not
doesn't even show months of 2006. The total work for resource is shown as

I can see that OLAP cube ran successfully last night. I've set 10/2005 to
06/2006 as the fixed ranges in cube settings.

My question is what is wrong with cube or MS Project? Is there anything Im
missing here? What can cause such thing & how to fix it?


go into analysis manager
go into the cube switch to the data view.
Drill down into the data.
Is the data in the cube itself?

Are you picking up the right field?
Is the data in the cube?
mikehfrye "at" g m a i l


go into analysis manager
go into the cube switch to the data view.
Drill down into the data.
Is the data in the cube itself?

Are you picking up the right field?
Is the data in the cube?
mikehfrye "at" g m a i l


Data is there.

Picking up right fields?...... its default cube. Im not sure about it.


I removed a custom field (%Allocation = work/availability) from a view & that
solved the problem. Now portfolio analyzer is showing correct data.

When I was running cube job from PWA, it was showing 'Cube built
successfully' where as the data was not getting updated. There was no sign of
any issue in the cube job.

Any way .. now its wokring for me.


Well it was on production server. We came to know that our data was not
getting updated since we added that field in one Portfolio Analyzer view.

I'd try to replicate it on development box then will update you on this.


Gary L. Chefetz said:

Can you recreate the problem by recreating the field?

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